Dear UPINHF Members, Friends, and Colleagues, 

We are inviting you to attend our upcoming webinar entitled “Human-Technology Interdependency: Nursing and the Pursuit of Human Health” on March 18 (Tuesday) at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time or March 19 (Wednesday) at 8 AM Philippine Time. We are honored to have Dr. Rozzano Locsin as our speaker. He is Professor Emeritus of Florida Atlantic University and Proponent of the Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing.

To register, click this link: or scan the QR Code.

 See you there! 


2024 UPINHF Awardees

International Healthcare Professional Award for Excellence

Dr. Regina P. Berba is an infectious disease specialist, researcher, and professor at the UP College of Medicine, where she graduated in 1987. She pursued her residency in internal medicine from the Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1994 before coming back to complete a fellowship in Infectious Disease as the Chief Fellow in 1998. She also has a master’s degree in clinical epidemiology from the University of the Philippines Manila, College of Medicine.

Dr Berba is an accomplished figure in the medical field. Her contributions extend beyond her role at the Philippine General Hospital. She has served for over a decade as the head of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Hospital Infection Control Unit (HICU). During the pandemic, she played a crucial role in transforming UPM-PGH into a COVID-19 referral center, ensuring safety for patients and front liners alike. She also chairs the Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee and leads the UP-PRIME TB DOTS and the UP Leptospirosis Taskforce.

She is recognized as one of the Filipino Women’s Network 2022 Most Influential Filipino Women in the World in the Innovators and Thought Leaders Category. People Asia awarded her People of the Year 2022. Dr. Berba is among the six notable individuals awarded The Outstanding Filipino Physicians (TOFP) for 2022 by the JCI Senate Philippines in collaboration with the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) last February  9, 2023, in Quezon City, Philippines.

Dr Berba has demonstrated her excellent leadership in professional societies, both as regent of the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP), an officer of the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID), and a past National Chair of the Philippine Coalition Against Tuberculosis (PhilCAT). She has multiple publications addressing all levels of readers and audiences, from peer-reviewed journals to lay educational pieces.

Dr. Berba has been awarded multiple awards throughout the years, including the UPMAS Most Outstanding in Medical Services Award and UPMAS Most Outstanding Researcher, the Oblation Leadership Award from the PGH, and the UPAA Distinguished Alumni Award in Health Research and Education.


Dr. Minerva Salinas Guttman, EdD, RN, APN
International Nurse Award

Dr. Minerva S. Guttman is a respected nursing professional with over five years of experience in the field. On August 28, 2023, she was selected as the founding associate dean of the School of Nursing at William Peterson University. In her role, Dr. Guttman works to expand partnerships with healthcare providers and create academic and professional opportunities for nursing students.

Dr. Guttman spent more than two decades at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU). From 1999 to 2021, she was director of the Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health, and since 2011, she held the Ferguson Endowed Chair. Prior to joining FDU, Dr Guttman served as an assistant dean at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of Nursing (UMDNJ) School of Nursing and chair of the UMDNJ/Middlesex County College associate’s degree program in nursing. Previously, she was a nursing professor and administrator at the State University of New York Health Science Center in Brooklyn and an instructor at SUNY-Downstate Medical Center College of Nursing, Beth Israel School of Nursing, and the Philippine General Hospital School of Nursing in Manila.

She served as editor-in-chief of The International Forum for Nursing and Healthcare, the official journal for nursing practice, education, and research at the University of the Philippines. Dr. Guttman has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and has been the recipient of numerous public and private grants to facilitate research and support nursing programs, faculty, and students. Her many awards and honors include the Diva and Don Award from the New Jersey State Nurses Association Institute of Nursing and the J.V. Sotejo Award for Exemplary Alumni Achievement from the University of the Philippines College of Nursing Alumni Association International.

Dr Guttman is a graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of the Philippines, class of 1968. She earned a master of arts in nursing, a master of education in adult education, and doctor of education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She holds an adult nurse practitioner post-master’s certificate from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She was an executive educational leadership fellow at The Wharton School Aresty Institute of Executive Education at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dear Friends and Generous Supporters,

The Season of Giving is upon us.  As we reflect and gather during this Thanksgiving time, we remain ever so thankful for the many blessings we receive from our Great and Divine Provider.  In this spirit of gratitude that UP International Nursing and Healthcare Forum (UPINHF) continues its commitment to compassionately reach out and help those who are suffering and tremendously affected by natural calamities. In turn, UPINHF immediately responded to those in Florida.  Now, our gaze is on the needs of the multitude of Filipinos who are suffering greatly because of the unrelenting stream of strong typhoons.  On November 9, the death toll was 160 and over 9.6 million people were affected by typhoons Kristine and Leon.  Arrivals of two more powerful storms are sobering to Filipinos who numb themselves while they experience these excruciating disasters.

To this extensive devastation, UPINHF has given an initial $1000 donation, yet your monetary contributions are extremely needed now by our kababayans.

Make your tax-deductible donation to UPINHF Inc, through

Zelle to AABAD220@GMAIL.COM (UPINHF’s official account)
Or, write a check to “UPINHF Inc”; Memo: “Tulong Ko” (“My Help”).  And, please indicate your email address
Mail your check to: UPINHF Inc Treasurer

At: 220 Howard Street, Dumont, NJ 07628

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers: all good giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no alteration or shadow caused by change.”

James 1:15-16

Your generosity is not just an action, it’s a way of life, it’s your value and personal conviction.  Generosity flows from you to honor and glorify God because it is an act of faith.  We are thankful and remain witness to your good giving.

Maraming salamat po.


August 9 & 10, 2024
VENUE: Double Tree by Hilton, Los Angeles-Rosemead
Reservation Link: https//

FORUM Contacts: Maggie Ongkiko,
atess Abad:



US & Canada: Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023 @ 5:00PM Pacific
Philippines: Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023@9:00 AM Manila

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 819 8670 9792
Passcode: UPINHF

Submit nominations to Josephine Villanueva (

UPCN: 75 Years

Link to the Speakers Presentations at the August 12, 2023 Education Forum

Link to the Evaluation of Education Forum:

To Register or click on the Poster above.
To Pay
By Zelle: (UPINHF Account)
By Check: Payable to UPINHF, mail to Tony Abad, 220 Howard St. ,Dumont, NJ 07628
Link to Embassy Suites:

UPINHF Annual International

DATES: Friday, August 11 & Saturday, August 12, 2023



Link To Webinar Recording

Passcode: 3dghx#J#

Webinar Evaluation link

Remember to shop @ – choose UPINHF as your charity organization.

Deadline for Nomination: UPINHF International Healthcare Professional is July 15, 2022

Register to attend the following:
42nd JVS Lecture Series – June 17, 2022 @ 8:30 AM (Philippine Time) PGHSNAA Virtual Homecoming: June 26, 2022 @ 8:00AM (Philippine Time)



US and Canada: Friday, August 12, 2022 Philippines: Saturday, August 13, 2022



APRIL 10 -14, 2023



SAVE THE DATE: AUGUST 12, 2022 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FORUM ************ NOMINATIONS FOR Awards now open – click here for criteria ************** The 2022 -2023 Officers and Board Members: Tony Abad, Tatess Abad, Cora Anonuevo, Malyn Boots, Merle Borrero, Marlene Chance, Sarla Duller, Remedios Fernandez, Dors Maligalig, Connie Oliveros, Fe Punzalan, Josie Villanueva, and Gloria Smitka. *************** THANK YOU to UPINHF members who responded to help victims affected by super typhoon Odette!

UPINHF Meetings Board of Directors: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 Education and Research: February 21, 28, March 16, 2022 THE FORUM EDITORIAL BOARD: February 25, 2022 Membership: March 7, 2022 Awards: March 15, 2022

CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME To The 2022 – 2023 UPINHF OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS! ********************* Thank you ALL for Responding to the CALL to assist students’ online Connectivity! KUDOS to CLASS 1981: Funded five laptops for UPCN students in celebration of their Ruby Jubilee Year! WAY TO GO CLASS 1981! __________ Congratulations to the following UPINHF Members, You make us Proud!

Fe Punzalan, GN ‘75, BSN, MSN– Recognized as one of the most influential Filipina Women globally by the Filipina Women’s Network at the 17th Leadership Summit in San Franciscoon Sept. 26-30, 2021. Fe was also featured on the front cover of the Filipina Women’s Network Magazine and also featured inside the magazine. _________________

Dula Pacquiao – EdD, RN CTN-A, TNS

Legacy Award Recipient given by the PNA NJ chapter October 2, 2021 Dula was recognized for her leadership, influence, and contributions to PNA NJ and more.


Cora Anonuevo, BSN ’72, PhD is the 2021 Anastacia Giron Tupas (AGT) Awardee, AGT is the founder and first President of PNA, the highest award given by PNA.


Links to 2021 UPINHF Annual International Forum Presentations

Lydia T. Manahan, RN, MS, PhD /view?usp=drivesdk Milton B. Amayun, MD, MPH Cora Anonuevo: RN, MPH, PhD


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dean Teodora A. Ignacio’s Celebration of Life: Saturday, July 10, 2021 @ 8:00 AM (Philippines), Friday July 9, 2021 @ 5:00PM Pacific (US and Canada). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

MABUHAY! WELCOME To UPINHF! Scroll down for The December issue of the Forum.

A healthcare-centered organization, UPINHF is a non-stock and non-profit corporation registered under the laws of the State of California. It is also an educational, charitable and a public benefit entity, granted tax-exempt status under Sec. 501 ( c ) 3, Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and the California Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC), Sec. 2730d( c ) (1). UPINHF Inc. is an approved CEU provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). The Organization is the publisher of “The International Forum for Nursing and Healthcare “ (IFNAH), official journal for nursing and healthcare practice, education and research. The peer-reviewed publication, formerly called “The Nursing Journal” is published annually and is officially assigned ISSN 2637-4161 by the U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress. The Organization also publishes a Quarterly news brief known as “The Forum.” UPINHF is a chapter of UPAA and is recognized as a UP Alumni organization by the UP Board of Regents.

We welcome alumni from nursing and other health related programs of the University of the Philippines; we respond to our Alma Mater and to others in times of need and calamities; we encourage leadership with compassion for others, camaraderie and unity in vision especially among members; we aim to inspire and motivate others to look back and to give with joy and generous hearts; we seek to adhere to our mission and vision as an alumni, as a healthcare focused, and as a charitable organization. We are Going Forward, Exemplifying U.P. Excellence.

Welcome to New Members Carmencita Abaquin, GN’62, BSN’69, MN’75, PhD’00; Milton Amayun, MD’77, MPH; Raija Amayun, MD; Laginia Ambo, GN’69; Ma. Elena Esguerra, GN’69, BSN’70; Brigette Lao, BSN’80,MA’91; Perla Po, GN’69, BSN’70, MN, Florence Lim, BSN ’67, Lydia T. Manahan, GN’71, PhD, RN, Bethel B. Villarta, BSN’72, DrPh, RN, Rosita (Chit) Benedicto Bulanadi, BSN’72 ________________________

Now Accepting Nominations for the following AWARDS International Nurse Award (INA) – Deadline for Submission of Documents: April 15, 2021 International Health Professional Award of Excellence (IHPA) – Deadline for Submission of Documents: April 15, 2021



president's pic

Gloria Amayun Smitka, RN, GN, BSN, MAN


Greetings to the UPINHF Family, Colleagues, and Friends! I am honored to lead UPINHF in the 2020 -2021 term. The year 2020 has been marked by the advent of the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. As a consequence, the UPINHF Board cancelled this year’s International Forum and Grand Reunion, due to travel restrictions and to our members being essential workers on the frontlines. While we celebrate Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday, the year 2020 also brought to light the value of nurses in healthcare, which the World Health Organization has recognized as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife. As nurses we should be honored and should take pride in who we are and what we can offer to the communities of which we are members. The setback in our planned events did not dampen the enthusiasm and focus of the officers and members of the Board of Directors. It is amazing how we all have stepped up to fulfill our roles in UPINHF.

  • Coordinated by Iren Bobis Roldan, we on the Board quickly set about raising funds for PPE’s and N95 masks for the Philippine General Hospital, and we are hoping to help with the purchase of an adult mechanical ventilator through fundraising under the leadership of Zayda Aberin, a board member.
  • We initiated publishing periodic UPINHF News Briefs. This allows our membership to know what’s going on in UPINHF. Merle Borrero, our corresponding secretary, is sending this out via mass emails. We also held our first Zoom Kamustahan, including Dean Bonito who gave us updates on the Philippines, the online classroom and use of simulation in the nursing lab and how UPCN is partnering with other health agencies and the Philippine government. Another Kamustahan was held to welcome home Nelson Borrero, who returned from the Philippines after a few extra months stay due to the lockdown there. This time former UPCN Deans Peng Tuazon and Cecile Laurente joined us from the Philippines. About 15-20 took part in these gatherings, which we plan to repeat from time to time. Watch for announcements via email and on this website.
  • The Education Committee, chaired by Emy Goodrich, sponsored a very well attended summer webinar from all over the world. World class speakers Dr. Dula Fara-on Pacquiao presented the “Consequences of Inequities in the Covid-19 Pandemic,” and Commissioner Raymond Enriquez Liboro presented “Reimagining Privacy in the time Covid.” Along with finding speakers and developing the capability to do a Zoom webinar, participants had an option to receive 1.5 CEUs. A lively kamustahan and recognition of jubilarians followed. Click on the 2020 Webinar tab above for details on the speakers and their presentations.
  • The IFNAH Journal published Volume 4 (series 2020), with nine academic papers. It is now available online through this UPINHF website through the leadership of Josie Villanueva, as Editorial Chairman, Minerva Guttman, as Editor-In-Chief, and Maggie Ongkiko, as the website liaison, with help from the others on the Editorial Board. Along with the nine papers, the Journal also features an article, “Voices from the Frontline,” describing the recent experiences of UPCN alumni working at the Philippine General Hospital (PGH), a COVID Referral Center. These frontliners have been called the “People giving Hope” in the face of the pandemic. This issue includes two papers about COVID, two about diabetes, and papers on meditation, fall prevention, the Quality of Life Scale, and urban community initiatives. Members need to use their password to access it.
  • The Committee on Awards, Citations and Scholarships, after a review of the nominees’ credentials, presented their recommendation, which the UPINHF Board unanimously approved. The 2020 International Nurse Award recipient is Dr. Sheila Bonito, Dean of the University of the Philippines College of Nursing for her work on epidemiology and her role in promoting online learning, which looks prescient given the current need to social distance. The formal awarding was at the August 21, 2020 Summer Webinar.
  • The Constitution and By Laws Committee, under the leadership of Merle Borrero, is reviewing our governing documents to make the amendments necessary to align the CBL with UPINHF organizational operations. Merle, who is also our communications secretary, has been busy sending news and greetings to the UPINHF members.
  • Meanwhile the Finance Committee, previously headed by Iren Roldan and now chaired by Tony Abad, has handled donations and disbursements.
  • The Caring Committee established the Prayer Warrior Brigade for those who were affected by the Pandemic. Members of this committee are also in close contact with Mrs. Floresinda Castelo, “Mama Flor”, founding member of UPINHF and a strong supporter of this organization. She is now in her mid-90’s.

UPINHF as an organization participated in the search process for the next Dean of the University of the Philippines College of Nursing. We wrote a letter in support of the candidacy of Dean Sheila Bonito, and members have participated in the various consultations that are part of the process.

As alumni we continue to support UPCN, PGH, and UP in general. As a charitable organization our focus is on the Philippines and the US, but we can undertake projects elsewhere around the world, with the approval of the Board.

We do not have formal links with the Philippine Nurses Association of America, but individual UPINHF members are active in PNAA as well as other local and national professional associations.

As President of UPINHF, I encourage you to become a life member if you are a UP nursing or allied health alumnus. Life members can also sponsor friends and family to be associate members particularly if they can be involved in strengthening UPINHF.

In conclusion, I reiterate that I am honored to lead UPINHF for this term. Despite Covid-19, we remain dynamic, resilient, and vibrant aiming always to exemplify U.P. Excellence.

Best Regards to All! Gloria Smitka, President
